You’re ready

Your faith grows when you start before you feel ready. God will give you strength to finish His work.

Welcome to The Spark, a weekly email that’s feels like a good Sunday-sermon.

Short, sweet and a whole lotta heat.

Here's what we got for ya this week:

  • Better than best

  • You’re strong

  • Batter up

Let's go!


It's a fact:

The timing always sucks. At least for things that matter.

It’s easy to think now isn’t the time. Things like:

  • It’s gonna rain

  • The kids are in a mood

  • Last night’s Taco Bell ain’t sitting well

Truth is, the timing will never be perfect.

You might as well cross your fingers and wait for a unicorn to show up with a pot of gold.

In Ecclesiastes 11:4, we read: "Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest."

God wants you to take action.  Give Him something - ANYTHING - to work with. You can’t steer a ship that is sitting still.

Ask yourself, "Am I stalling?"

Often, the answer is "yes." We want perfect (and don't fire unless we know it's a bullseye).

Truth is, done is better than perfect! All. Day. Long.

Slow feet don’t eat.

Just start. God will fix your steps along the way.

Geronimo, Amen!


You know what they say:

Be a winner, not a sinner - read your Bible!

Wait, do they say that?  They should...

The Spark Translation: This verse looks good on coffee mugs, but it takes more than a double shot of espresso to live out your faith. God is calling you to do something for His glory. 


What's one thing God has laid on your heart lately?  If nothing, better ask why...

Text it to a friend (or reply and let us know).

You know, something like: "Yo, I feel like God's calling me to start a Bible study. Don't know what that looks like, but pray I don't screw it up."

Even a small act like this is something. Now go!


You are 1BREATH from eternity. Don’t waste your life chasing things that don’t matter. Stop waiting for the perfect time. Start doing something that will matter for eternity.

Start small, start now!Life is short. Live your purpose. 🙏

That's a wrap for this week.

Until next week, remember that life isn’t a spectator sport. 
