A word to the wise

Birds of a feather... The surprising impact of faith, food and friends (and how they shape who you become).

Surely we’re not the only ones…

Ever notice how when your neighbor mows the lawn, you feel the need to mow too?

Or when a friend orders salad at Applebees, you pass on the Coke and burger.

I’ll take a basket of croutons with that, please!

It’s easy to forget:

The company you keep - and media you consume - shapes who you are.

That’s why you gotta watch your crowd.

Proverbs 13:20 reminds us, ‘Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.’

Seek out folks who love God, grow your faith, and have the guts to say ‘you know better.’

So think twice about who you invite to the family BBQ.

There’s more at stake than just who brings the potatoes salad.

Geronimo, Amen!

Sweet, that’s issue #5 of The Spark.

You can learn a lot about a person by based on how they react to someone else’s good news. Ain’t that the truth!