Stick that in your headline

We interrupt your program to bring you some Good News that you should see more of.

Maybe it’s just us…

But the TV (and Facebook) seems to be on a diet of sour lemons these days.

And it ain’t tryin’ to make lemonade!

Day in, day out, it’s like a non-stop flood of doom and gloom.

Well, it’s right about one thing:

The world is going to [ insert preferred language ] in a hand basket.

Our kids read this, ya know!

Even so, God’s got a job for you.

*slowly raises hand*

"Ummm, to be the light in the dark?" you say. Yes, somebody pay this man!

The Bible tells us, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." (Mark 16:15)

You’ve been handed the greatest story ever told. And what’s the use of news if it ain’t shared?

This ain’t some trending hashtag that'll be old news by lunchtime.

We’re talkin’ the life-changing, eternity-shaping, sing-it-on-the-mountaintop kind of news.

So why not spread it like it's the best thing since sliced bread (or apple pie, if that’s your jam)?

Geronimo, Amen!

Sweet, that’s issue #10 of The Spark. Welcome to the new people who signed up since last week! And huge thanks to everyone who referred a friend. 🙏

If you haven’t watched this sermon, what are you doing with your life?!?