How to find God in the small things

Learn to spot God where you might not think.

Welcome to The Spark, a weekly email that gives side hugs so tight you can see the light!

And we could all use more of that.

Here's what we got ya this week:

  • Finding joy

  • The perfect gift

  • A bet you wanna win

Let's go!


Let’s be honest - it’s easy to celebrate big wins.

They’re often public (and boost your ego).

  • Losing 20 lbs

  • Scoring your dream job

  • Being voted MVP of last weekend's pickle ball tournament

But what about the small wins?

Things like finding a chicken nugget in your order of fries.

You know it's gonna be a good day when that happens!

Philippians 4:4 says to, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!"

That means God works in all things - big and small.

But it's easy to forget.

Truth is, small wins happen each day. You just gotta look for 'em!

And don't think small wins are like a participation trophy for your faith - they're so much more than that.

They're a reminder that God is with you in the everyday moments of your life. Even small things matter to Him.

Small wins bring you joy, build your character, and grow your faith.

If you let them.

Geronimo, Amen!


You know what they say:

It's hard for God to be heard, when you're not in the Word.

Wait, do they say that? They should...

The Spark Translation: Everything good and perfect comes from God. And we see that God doesn't change. Even when things around us change, God is there - even in the small things.


Let's play a game:

  • Pick a small win you had today

  • Text it to a friend (and ask for one of theirs)

  • Reply to this email with "Win!"

You know, something like: "Hey! I just had a small win and wanted to share. I finished the entire bag of chips without spilling any crumbs on my shirt! It's the little things, right?!? Reminds me that God is in the small things, too. Hope you have a great day!"

Your friend already knows you're crazy. So sharing one small thing God did for you will be a refreshing change of pace from the tall tales you normally tell.


You are 1BREATH from eternity. Don’t waste your life chasing things that don’t matter. And when it feels like the world is crashing around you, take a look around. You’ll find God in the small things.

A beautiful sunrise, a kind word from a stranger, a perfectly ripe avocado - these are all gifts from God.

And they happen everyday.Life is short. Live your purpose. 🙏

That's a wrap for this week.

Until next week, remember to see God in the small things that happen everyday!
