Where do you come up with this stuff?

Got questions? Good, we've got more... questions. How to leave the endless cycle of faith-stalling chats with those you love.

News flash:

You ain’t the Almighty.

And wouldn’t want the job on your worst Monday.

But sometimes we strut around like we’re God’s gift to humanity.

Even - especially - when we’re talking about faith.

When a friend says, “If you grew up in a Muslim country, then you’d be Muslim too."

Or maybe, “Jesus was born in the Middle East. Folks weren’t named Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in that culture, bro!”

My preacher got some splainin’ to do…

It’s ok to not have all the answers.

But you better help find them.

Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”

Help a friend go deeper in faith. It’ll help yours, too.

Geronimo, Amen!

Sweet, that’s issue #9 of The Spark. Welcome to the new people who signed up since last week! And huge thanks to everyone who referred a friend. 🙏

If you’re thinking, “Wait, I don’t have any friends with tough faith questions.” Well, it may be time to extend your holy huddle, pal.