5 things that grew our faith this week

Purpose in pain, a watching world, testing a ministry

You are 1BREATH from eternity.

Here are 5 things that grew our faith in the last 7 days. Hope they grow yours too!

Let’s go:

#1 🙏

Well now that you put it THAT way… Pretty easy test!

#2 🙏

When you’re listening to The Prayer Cottage and Secret Garden on audiobook and your little cowboy says:

“Dad! That’s one of our Bible verses!”

Kids are listening, watching, and learning. Oh be careful little eyes/ears/etc… And the world is watching too.

#3 🙏

👀 Fight the good fight until you hear “Well done…”

#4 🙏

Found out about the Nothing is Wasted ministry from this podcast - check it out!

Crazy story of God using a tragic home invasion to help people find purpose in their pain. If you want help making sense of pain, you’ll find hope! 🔥

#5 🙏

🤣 If Oceans isn’t played during worship, then does it even count?!?


Hit reply and let us know which one you liked!

Better yet, forward it to a friend who could use a little pep in their faith step.

Geronimo, Amen!