3 quotes to grow your faith

Grow your faith with these quotes

You are 1BREATH from eternity.

Grow your faith in Jesus with these 3 quotes.

Let’s go:

#1 🙏

It’s easier to point fingers than take responsibility.

Some people love quoting Bible verses to judge others, but go quiet when it’s about their own mistakes.

It’s like calling someone out on Facebook while ignoring the “your body is a temple” verse — scrolling with a Coke in one hand and Oreos in the other.

Easier to preach than practice…

#2 🙏

The power of prayer isn’t that you talk, but that God listens.

Prayer isn’t a speech contest. It’s not about sounding holy; it’s about knowing God’s tuned in.

You speak, He listens — and sometimes it goes like this.

#3 🙏

A spirit of chaos will wreck your home.

Ever notice how when you’re rushing around, it feels like the walls are closing in? One little thing goes wrong, and suddenly the whole house is on edge.

The dishes pile up, the laundry multiplies, and everyone’s tiptoeing around like there’s a landmine in the living room.

Chaos breeds more chaos. Your home doesn’t need to be perfect; it just needs you steady and grounded in Him.

What ya think? 🤷‍♂️

Hit reply and let us know which one ya liked!

Live your purpose.

Geronimo, Amen!