3 quotes to grow your faith

Walk closer with Jesus in 30 seconds with these 3 quotes

You are 1BREATH from eternity.

Here are 3 quotes to grow your faith (before it’s too late).

Let’s go:

#1 🙏

Sometimes the devil uses facts.

If the devil lied all the time, he wouldn’t be a threat. So he often starts with a fact, then twists it like a yoga instructor on a caffeine high.

Like, ‘True, you didn’t get the job.’ But that doesn’t mean you’re a failure who’s let your family down.

Often, it’s not the truth that gets you — it’s the lie about what it means.

#2 🙏

I don’t want to grow in anything worldly.

Chasing after worldly success is like polishing the brass on a sinking ship.

What are you trying to improve? Who are you trying to impress? In the end, is it really worth it?

#3 🙏

Be curious. Not judgmental.

Imagine how many more disciples we’d make if we led with questions instead of assumptions.

Curiosity opens hearts; judgment closes them. Let’s start more conversations (and fewer debates). 🤝


Hit reply and let us know which one ya like!

Life is short. Make it count (for the Kingdom). 🙌

Geronimo, Amen!