3 quotes to grow your faith

Grow your faith with these 3 quotes we found in the last 7 days

You are 1BREATH from eternity.

Here are 3 quotes to grow your faith in Jesus (before it’s too late).

Let’s go:

#1 🙏

Don’t give the day away.

Imagine your day started great. Quiet time with God. Another day Through The Word. And your Pop Tart is toasted to perfection. ✨

Then bam — a snarky comment ruins your day. Don’t waste a day because something didn’t go your way.

Ask God how He sees you (or the situation). Let it go, and get on with it. Don’t give the devil your day.

#2 🙏

You better sit down and count the cross before coming to Jesus.

Jesus disrupts everything in your life. And if He’s not, better ask why.

#3 🙏

Maybe you don’t need more Jesus music, just more Jesus.

Ever find yourself on Spotify, lost in a rabbit hole of worship playlists, hoping the right song will magically solve your problems?

Sometimes, it’s not about cranking up the Jesus jams—it’s about carving out real time to spend with Him.


Hit reply and let us know which one ya like!

Life is short. Make it count (for the Kingdom). 🙌

Geronimo, Amen!