3 quotes to grow your faith

Walk closer with Jesus in 30 seconds with these 3 quotes

You are 1BREATH from eternity.

Here are 3 quotes to grow your faith in Jesus (before it’s too late).

Let’s go:

#1 🙏

God’s faithfulness doesn’t change with your circumstances.

It’s like your mom’s meatloaf: always there whether you want it or not. Think about the times God has been with you (even when you didn’t see it at the time).

Whatever you’re facing now, God is with you.

#2 🙏

The enemy thrives in the grey areas, sowing division.

Arguing over pineapple on pizza while Rome burns? That’s the enemy's playbook.

Most of our divisions are over trivial stuff that won’t matter in eternity. In the end, we all end up in Common Ground.

#3 🙏

Ask yourself, “Lord, where in my life do I feel like I’m not beloved by you? Where in my life am I not trusting you? Where in my life do I think I’m not good enough for you? Where in my life am I listening to the wrong voice?” - Jamie Winship

Answering any of one of these questions can lead to big breakthroughs.

So, take a moment - maybe right now - to answer just one of these.

Add Living Fearless to your reading list, you’ll learn to exchange the lies of the world for the truth of God.


Hit reply and let us know which one ya like!

Life is short. Make it count (for the Kingdom). 🙌

Geronimo, Amen!