3 quotes to grow your faith

Walk closer with Jesus by these 3 quotes we found in the last 7 days

You are 1BREATH from eternity.

Here are 3 quotes to grow your faith in Jesus (before it’s too late).

Let’s go:

#1 🙏

You are not being graded on the curve, but on the cross.

Facebook likes won’t grow your heavily treasure. And popularity contests have no place in the Kingdom.

But you wouldn’t know it by looking at most of us…

#2 🙏

Be kind to yourself.

Just text me this reminder everyday, ok?!?

And send this song with it — absolute jam!

#3 🙏

In America today, if you don’t have counter-cultural beliefs about how your family lives — you’re likely contributing to the problem.

Most parents overwork, kids sports take center stage, and the “family” gets the scraps. And your daily routine speaks louder than any lecture.

What would coach think if the family missed a practice - even a tournament - because they volunteered at a children’s hospital for the day?


Hit reply and let us know which one ya like!

Life is short. Make it count (for the Kingdom). 🙌

Geronimo, Amen!