3 quotes to grow your faith

Grow your faith with these 3 quotes we found in the last 7 days

You are 1BREATH from eternity.

Here are 3 quotes to grow your faith in Jesus.

Let’s go:

#1 🙏

Prune your priorities.

Life’s busy because we make it that way — stuffing our calendars with everything from soccer practice to ‘just one more’ episode of Fixer Upper.

Let’s be real, you’re prioritizing some things that shouldn’t even be on the list.

Make time to cut the distractions… and maybe sneak a good nap too.

What’s one thing you can let go of this week that’s stealing your time?

#2 🙏

Satan doesn’t care if you got to church and fill your life with good activities. If he can distract you from spending time with God and in Scripture, you will starve spiritually.

It’s like going to the gym every day but only doing warm-ups — looks productive, but you’re not getting better.

What “good things” are you focusing too much on (and what should you be doing instead)?

#3 🙏

Maybe ‘extreme’ is just another word for the ‘narrow path’ in America today.

Jesus said the road was narrow, right? So maybe the real rebels are the ones skipping the comfy pews and building communities centered around family and faith.

If Jesus walked the earth today, he’d probably skip the megachurch live stream for a quiet coffee with the guy everyone ignores.

Hit Play 🎶 

New drop from the 1BREATH - Faith on Fire Spotify playlist:

“…Father, let Your Kingdom come, Father, let Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven.”

Got a jam that needs to be on here? Hit reply and let us know! 🙌

What ya think? 🤷‍♂️

Hit reply and let us know which one ya liked!

Live your purpose.

Geronimo, Amen!