3 quotes to grow your faith

Grow your faith with a few quotes that helped ours in the last 7 days

You are 1BREATH from eternity.

Here are 3 quotes that grew our faith in the last 7 days.

Hope they help yours too!

Let’s go:

#1 🙏

God wants to do something in you before He does something through you.

It goes like this:

  • something happens TO you

  • God does something IN you

  • God works THROUGH you

There is no pain wasted for those in Christ! 🙌

#2 🙏

"The greatest legacy one can pass to your children is not material possessions, but a legacy of character and faith." - Billy Graham

What are you leaving your kids? You can’t Venmo salvation.

#3 🙏

“Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter.” - Francis Chan

Imagine hitting it big in the world of competitive lawn mowing. Sure, you’re the best… but who cares?!?

Ask yourself if it will matter in the end. If not, let it go and give yourself some grace.

If so, double down — hard.


Hit reply and let us know which one ya like!

Life is short. Make it count (for the Kingdom). 🙌

Geronimo, Amen!