1 thing that beats perfect

There's 1 thing that beats perfection. Every. Single. Time. It unlocks the power of your faith and future.

Ever feel like you're stuck in perfection paralysis?

You know, that feeling when you're so caught up in making everything just right that you end up doing, well, nada?

Like when you binge-watch "Toy Story" for the hundredth time instead of doing your laundry.

Even though they’ve been marinating in the hamper so long they’re about to launch a fragrance line.

Here's the deal: "Done" is better than "perfect." Every. Single. Time.

Kinda like that Nike poster on your old bedroom wall, ‘Just Do It.’

God wants you to be His hands and feet. And that means action, my amigo!

The apostle Paul knew a thing or two about this.

He wasn't sitting around, trying to craft the perfect Instagram caption.

Nah, he was out there spreading the good news.

Like he wrote in Colossians 3:23, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters."

Stop overthinking it. God’s grace has you covered (even when your attempt isn’t picture-perfect).

Write that letter. Start that podcast. Make that call.

And remember, God doesn't call the equipped; He equips the called.

And yes, my friend, that includes you.

Geronimo, Amen!

Sweet, that’s issue #6 of The Spark.

Hit reply and let us know one thing God has called you to do (but you haven’t started yet). And yes, that counts as action!